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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

sunday run at the anchor

Sunday long run at the anchor in Mossy Point, commencing at 7 am. Mike and family claim that they'll be there ......... night after the wedding! Famous last words perhaps.

See you there on Sunday for a longer run to welcome in Spring.

results for wednesday 31st august 2011

Results for today's run:

3.5 km run: Eden Faulkner-Kew - 17.05, Anthony Smith - 19.44, Jill Brown - 19.51, Scott Rigby Jnr - 23.43, Louie Pantelic Jnr - 25.28, Zoran Pantelic - 25.28, Robyn Kennedy - 29.36, David McCann - 35.00.

5 km run: Nev Madden - 22.39, Adrian Connor - 23.21, Scott Rigby Snr - 23.53, Liza Martini - 24.16.

Mike Kennedy ran too - he receives the 'assistant runner' award for today.

A very exciting week for the Kennedy family, in the lead up to the wedding on Saturday at the beach .... where else!

congratulations to ROBYN on 100 walks

You're an inspiration to us all

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

one more sleep .......

Until Robyn turns 100

100 walks/runs with the Broulee Runners


Saturday, August 27, 2011

sunday run at the anchor

Meet time is 7am at the anchor at Mossy Point, for a longish Sunday run, probably via the Oaks Ranch.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

wednesday's run - august 24th, 2011

Results for today:

3.5 km run: Eden Faulkner Kew - 18.10, Anthony Smith - 19.47, Jill Brown - 19.51, Taryn Carver - 21.50, Annie Johnsen - 24.07, Robyn Kennedy - 25.56, Paige Connaughton - 29.31, Barb Wells - 31.00.

5 km run: Patrick Hammond - 20.49, Dave Connaughton - 23.59, Sc0tt Rigby - 24.34, Geoff Wells - 24.40, Kim Pidcock - 24.51, Simon Fearne - 25.24, Mike Kennedy - 27.45, Deb Connaughton - 29.31.

Guess who completed their 99th run/walk today ..................................

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

C2Surf according to Ross

A City2Surf (C2S) is more than just the race it also involves logistics (travel, accommodation, eating) as it’s 300kms away from the Mossy Point anchor.

Part 1. Pre-Race

I travelled solo this year to C2S so drive up on Saturday morning, coffee and paper in the sun at my favourite spot in Berry, lunch in the Italian quarter at Rockdale. My inner city crash pad is no more (daughter and family have escaped the rat race to ….. Broulee) second option but further out from the city No1 son is renovating. Not wishing to be covered in builder’s dust I opt for Spartan accommodation at St. Peters Formula 1 Motel. This is near the southern end of Newton and its main street full of eating establishments. After motel check-in I drive to Race Central at Sydney Town Hall (with the rest of Sydney or so it seems) where I miraculously find a parking spot – a good omen. Buy a new visor and pickup a Westpac bag for clothing on race day. A potential time saver over the alternative offered by Sun Herald.

Then it was back to Newton. Spoilt for choice with eating venues but settle on a pasta/pizza joint in the middle of the action on King St. Good food especially the Chocolate cake with chocolate gelato (I know, I know - hardly the dinner of champions but the hippy waitress said it was organic so that had to count for something!). Next morning up and out of Formula1 by 6.45am parked in a backstreet near Victoria Park Broadway (next to Sydney Uni). Bus to city (free buses,trains,ferries for race entrants)

2. The Race
I’m standing in green group at 7.30am waiting for a 8.10am start and the sky is darking by the minute. Being whimpish, not wanting to be standing sodden until start time I retreat under cover next to Gloria Jeans in Elizabeth Street. I’m snobbish about my coffee so I’m not even tempted. Shower passes and it was the last rain seen on race day. However the course remains damp and the leafy parts along billionaire row require special care. Red group is away at 8.00am on the heals of the small elite group who are chasing the wheelchair racers (a race first).

A short time later green group is away. Electronic timing picking up each runner’s chip embedded bib (80,000 plus this year) has enabled an accurate staggering of the numerous groups at the start and seemingly less congestion along the race course. Bib checking at the start appeared to weed out many slow ‘pirates’ who appear on William St knocked up and walking making the last few C2Ss increasingly congested. By the time I cross College St the leaders have disappeared into the Kings X tunnel so I dismiss any thoughts of winning and settle in for the 14km journey. A regular distraction from the usual signs of exhaustion is T-shirt reading – an interesting pastime.

It’s overcast but not cold, a change from the fine sunny conditions which have prevailed for most of the last eighteen or so C2S. I must be pushing things a bit hard as I’m forced to walk for a 40m or so on “the hill”(chocolate cake) and 1km from the end around the back of Bondi beach (chocolate gelato). 100m from the finish the clock ‘s showing 25secs off 75mins (red group cut-off time) I put in an extra effort for a sprint to the line. I had to wait until Tuesday’s SMH for the final result!!

3. Post Race

The bus, train, bus travel to the city then on to Victoria Park flowed smoothly.
By 11am I’m in the outdoor-heated 50m pool at Victoria Park for a couple of laps. With few other swimmers at this time of the year it’s a great way to prepare for the trip home. With its own café, gym, hot showers etc this is one spot to remember for future Sydney forays.

In summary this C2S (my19th) was going to be my last due to the increasing congestion as the organisers pushed ever increasing numbers (for marketing purposes?) but I was surprised at the operation, which was also commented by other repeat runners. The free transport travel of the last few years removes the hassle of correct money/prepaid only etc. This makes choosing somewhere to stay much easier. Despite my misgivings the run, logistics of travel, accommodation, post - race swim refresher and foodfest were all enjoyable without any hiccups.

results for wednesday, 17th august, 2011

Well done to Sue and Ross, who competed in the C2Surf on the weekend. To Anita, who is running her 2nd HALF MARATHON, in Canberra this weekend - we look forward to the race report.

Here are today's results:

3.5 km: Eden Faulkner Kew - 17.46, Anthony Smith - 18.57, Robyn Kennedy - 25.27.

5 km: Patrick Hammond - 20.46, Dave Connaughton - 24.22, Kim Pidcock - 24.55, Simon Fearn - 25.31, Ross Haywood - 26.07, Mike Kennedy - 28.45.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

results for wednesday, 10th august, 2011

Today's results:

2 km run: Ellen Hosking - 17.42, Jono Hosking - 17.42.

3.5 km run: Eden Faulkner - Kew - 17.45, Paige Connaughton - 20.14, Barb Wells - 23.40, Robyn Kennedy - 25.38.

5 km run: Patrick Hammond - 20.20, Nev Madden - 22.58, Adrian Connor - 23.15, Dave Connaughton - 24.06, Geoff Wells - 25.18, Ross Haywood - 25.30, Simon Fearn - 28.03.

Where on earth was Mike ............................... locked his keys in the car! Excuse number ?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

congratulations to PAIGE on her 50th run

Well done to Paige Connaughton on reaching her 50th run with the

Broulee Runners

Photo of Paige receiving her award from Siena

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

wednesday 3rd august, 2011

Here are today's results:

2 km run: Siena Martini - 16.35, Jono Hosking - 17.35, Sue Lindsay - 18.02, Liza Martini - 18.02, Barb Wells - 18.02, Viva Barson - 20.00, Taryn Carver - 20.15.

3.5 km run: Simon Fearn - 16.45, Eden Faulkner Kew - 17.52, Ellen Hosking - 18.40, Jill Brown - 19.40, Paige Connaughton - 22.10, Robyn Kennedy - 26.03.

5 km run: Patrick Hammond - 21.10, Dave Connaughton - 24.25, Geoff Wells - 24.54, Bec Shepheard - 25.15, Ross Haywood - 26.10, Kim Pidcock - 26.18, Mike Kennedy - 26.54.

Good luck to Ross for the C2Surf run, this Sunday

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

nev's marathon talk

Here are Nev's thoughts:

"I found it a very tough run. Tough under feet - rocks and in particular the grass hummocks out near Mitchell. Also tough mentally - the out and back leg to Mitchell (24 - 32 km) was long, boring and had those bloody grass hummocks that killed your pace. I used 'Gels" but found the chocolate cookie and fruit cake at drink station 6 (24/32km mark) much more enjoyable. Not sure how good the gels really are? Undoubtedly, I was under prepared and thus suffered cramps at 32 km. More hills and longer runs - old fashioned common sense!

My splits:-

21k - 1h 54' 16"
32k - 2h 54' 30"
37k - 3h 33' 07"
mar - 4h 07' 07"

I had hoped for sub 4 hrs (5' 41" pace), but as you can see died badly in the last 10 km. Knowing that you (Liza) were behind kept me going!!! Overall a good experience. But I think that the Great Ocean Road Marathon was harder (longer and more hills)".