There were 9 personal best times recorded. In the 2-kilometres Benji Mackay improved by 5 seconds; Marcus Mackay improved by 6 seconds and Ross Wilson clocked up another PB by 9 seconds.
In the 3-kilometres Luke Lawrence improved by 9 seconds; Kelsey Pye improved by a massive 65 seconds and Aaron Atteridge by 30 seconds. In the 3-kilometres Anthony Snowball improved by 14 seconds; Chloe Tangney by 60 seconds and Meg Edenborough by 48 seconds.
There is very sad news that the Beagle Weekly will not be available because of the ill health of the editor Lei Parker. The Run has had a long association with Lei, and we will miss the support that he has given Broulee Runners over many years.
2 Kilometres
James Gunn 8.32
Benji Mackay 8.33
Lewis Gunn 8.44
Marcus Mackay 8.54
Ross Wilson 9.54
Ashlee Beby 10.41
Daniel Beby 10.45
Max Gunn 11.22
Sara Norgate 11.34
Jude Issaakidas 11.51
Finn Lawrence 12.14
Elise Remling 13.00
Gemma Issaakidas 13.02
Jamie Edwards 13.34
Bonnie Lloyd-Jones 15.10
Alfie Mackay 16.27
Neil S Mackay 16.28
Richard Fisher 20.20
3 Kilometres
Sam Bourke 12.50
Luke Lawrence 13.06
Charlie Jackson 13.33
Henry Bissell 15.15
Kelsey Pye 17.04
Andrew Greenway 17.13
Julianne Domeny 19.06
Otis Remling 21.33
Aaron Atteridge 21.34
Jason Domeny 25.38
4 Kilometres
Matt Johnsen 14.57
Jo Edenborough 16.17
Harry Edenborough 16.17
Matt Edenborough 16.18
Paige Connaughton 17.43
Dave Connaughton 18.27
Andrew McPherson 18.44
Anthony Snowball 18.59
Aengus Delaney 19.04
Jackie Snowball 19.16
Chloe Tangney 21.39
Deb Connaughton 22.13
Meg Edenborough 22.56
Robyn Kennedy 36.56
Mike Kennedy 36.58