School holidays and the arctic winds kept the numbers down this evening. Nevertheless 36 brave souls faced the starter. All the quality was in the 2 kilometres event as there were 9 personal times. We welcomed three new members in the Bell family of Matilda, Isaac and Emma.
Sandra and Stephanie Lunn were awarded their 30 run shirts. They are pictured with the rest of the family Cameron, Bridget and Bradley.
Paige Connaughton made an appearance whilst on holidays from her studies in Melbourne.
Sandra and Stephanie Lunn were awarded their 30 run shirts. They are pictured with the rest of the family Cameron, Bridget and Bradley.
Paige Connaughton made an appearance whilst on holidays from her studies in Melbourne.
See you next Wednesday at 4.30pm.
2 Kilometre event
Jorja Powhiro6.51PB
Riley Beby8.56
Cameron Lunn9.00PB
Aiden Kay9.07
Kristen Kay9.57PB
Sandra Lunn10.18PB
Alex Young11.19
Matilda Bell11.42New
Caroline McDonald11.45
Greg McDonald11.45PB
Mitchell Beby12.17
Pauline Hicks12.55PB
David McCann13.47PB
Katie McDonald14.32
Patrick Wade14.36
Eva Barker14.44
Makayla Wade16.47
Chris Wade16.49
Richard Fisher17.25
Ashley Beby17.58PB
Michelle Beby17.59PB
Isaac Bell18.09New
Emma Bell18.10New
3.5 Kilometres event
Bridget Lunn17.54
Stephanie Lunn18.57
Bradley Lunn20.58
Kim Young21.57
Kyle Young24.00
Cara Young26.03
5 Kilometres event
Daniel Beby17.10
Dan Lloyd-Jones21.05
Matt Lambert22.02
Dave Connaughton25.22
Kylie Young25.51
Deb Connaughton28.07
Paige Connaughton28.28
36 starters