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Wednesday, January 7, 2015
7 January 2015
We had a great start to 2015 with excellent conditions for running. 55 people participated and there were 14 personal best times and 8 visitors.
The visitors came from Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. We welcomed back to the group on their holiday visit to the area; Will Golds, Brendan McKenzie, The Hayward and Kennedy clans and Josh Connaughton.
The most outstanding performances were from Sue Christie in the 2 kilometres event, who on her third attempt at the distance sliced 5 minutes 42 seconds from her previous best time. Lucy Hinksman continues to chip away at her PB taking off another 4 seconds. Will Golds has returned to shave off an impressive 3 min 12 seconds of his previous time.
Happy 2015 to everyone. Hope to see you all next Wednesday.
2 Kilometre event
Lucy Hincksman7.21PB4secs
Graeme Hincksman7.24PB6secs
Harper Smee9.32PB26secs
Kirby Smee9.57PB30secs
Hugo Hayward10.15PB39secs
Alice Hinchsman10.22PB19secs
Mollie Kennedy10.42
Chris Wade10.43
Louie Hayward13.59
Jackie Hayward13.59New
Ross Hayward14.00
Patrick Wade14.05
David McCann14.46
Amy Prior14.50PB10secs
Sue Christie15.14PB5mins 42secs
Makayla Wade15.32
Rachael Wade15.33
Samson Kennedy16.01
Carissa Morgan17.55PB1secs
Steve Morgan17.56PB1secs
Phil Aungles18.03
3.5 Kilometres event
Andrew McPherson16.06
Aaron Flood18.08
Mitchell Morgan18.31PB7secs
Janelle Morgan20.39PB12secs
Kim Young21.26
Disa Smee23.02
Alisha Duggan28.23New
Pauline Hicks28.40
Robyn Kennedy30.50
5 Kilometres event
Anthony Kennedy18.23
Will Golds19.13PB3mins 12secs
Scott Carver20.48
Matt Lambert21.23
Tess Aungles22.21
Brendan McKenzie23.12
Adrian Connor23.14
Jante Lowe23.25
Josh Connaughton23.41
Richard Duggan23.42New
Gary Ashton23.43
Dave Connaughton24.04
Paige Connaughton24.32
Byron Grant25.02New
Kylie Young25.14PB24secs
Greg Flood25.28
Rod Brazier27.04New
Rowen Grant27.19New
Myles Grant27.21New
Gavin Grant27.26New
Ashley Leggott27.57
Deb Connaughton28.31
John Hicks28.40
Rohan Bodman29.36
Richard Fisher51.33
55 starters
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