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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

25 January 2023


Hot humid conditions confronted the 49 actual starters in this evening’s event.  Therefore, personal best time were hard to come by except for Evelyne Carton in the 2-kilometres and Sanda Halpin in the 3-kilometres.


It was family night with at least three members participating.   These families were the close knit Merzs, the flying Birks, the talented Johnsons, the fleetfooted MacKay’s, and the top Gunn’s,.


Broulee runners excel in Surf lifesaving competition with several families competing in the Carnival at Foster.  We look forward to seeing their results.  It is understood that the Aitkin, Beby, Carver, Domeny families and others will represent the district.


2 Kilometres


James Gunn 9.13

Lewis Gunn 9.39

Grace Johnson 9.55

Benji Mackay 10.22

Adam Furniss 10.24

Bella Fleming 10.32

Keith Furniss 10.58

Jenny Taylor 11.10

Audrey Turner 11.13

Carlotta Milnemoten 12.02

Fara Norgate 12.39

Evelyne Carton 14.17

Jamie Edwards 15.09

Abbie Johnson 15.11

Will Johnson 15.21

Luke Simmons 15.52

Michael Simmons 15.53

Max Gunn 16.54

Alfie Mackay 17.18

Neil Mackay 17.19

Alyssa Birks 17.34

Katharina Birks 17.38

Tommy Birks 17.38

Theo Birks 17.39

Fiona Merz 18.11

Louisa Merz 18.14

Melanie Merz 18.15

David McCann 18.28


3 Kilometres


Everly Bredin 21.02

Katia Bredin 21.03



4 Kilometres


Jo Edenborough 15.49

Matt Edenborough 15.49

Matt Lambert 16.06

Geoff Hawke 17.35

Duncan Norris 17.40

Paige Connaughton 18.11

Andrew McPherson 18.29

Sanda Halpin 18.35

Dave Connaughton 18.49

Nick Ward 19.05

Robyn Smith 19.10

Abigail Norris 19.13

Matt Lieschke 19.36

Steve Seidel 19.37

Gary Ashton 19.51

Deb Connaughton 21.48

Steve Phipps 23.37

Deb Norris 25.29

Samuel Komarov- Jones 28.37

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

18 January 2023


The rain came before the start of this evenings run and out came the young people.  The rain and the water on the path did not worry them.  When they finished, they all headed for the water in the creek and to jump off the bridge.  It seems to be a must for any young person coming to Broulee to jump off the bridge at Candlagan Creek.


In the 2-Kilometres Personal Best times were recorded by Audrey Knobel, Andrew Greenway, Max Gunn, Elsie Fleming, and Lily Williams.  In the 4-Kilometres PBs were recorded by James Gold and Chloe Tangney.


Special mention must go to the people that make the event a success and carry on even in the pouring rain.  Deb Connaughton got the event underway and stood her ground timing each runner.  Richard Fisher managed the setting up the course and gave out the finish tokens.  Robyn Kennedy, as she has done for years recorded each finisher.  David McCann and Mike Kennedy were there to help with the course management.


2 Kilometres

Ben Rourke 7.78

Hamish Scanlan 7.50

Ben Scanlan 7.59

Flynn Rourke 8.07

James Gunn 9.01

Audrey Knobel 9.24

Anthony Knobel 9.35

Lewis Gunn 9.34

Ruby Scanlan 9.42

Andrew Greenway 9.57

Bella Fleming 10.19

Benji Mackay 10.22

Max Gunn 13.24

Elsie Fleming 13.36

Alyssa Birks 14.33

Sue Caldwell 15.02

Kit Fisher 15.04

Evie Shaw 15.04

Lotte Knobel 15.16

Regina Knobel 15.17

Alfie Mackay 15.56

Neil Mackay 15.57

Lily Williams 16.40

Harvey Gunn 18.43

Sara Norgate 18.44

Luen Williams 22.58

Erin Patrick 22.59


3 Kilometres


Reece Bredin 22.16

David McCann 27.24


4 Kilometres


Matt Edenborough 14.41

Arland Shaw 15.54

Paige Connaughton 16.58

Marnie Shaw 17.19

Geoff Hawke 18.38

Dave Connaughton 18.54

David Pitt 19.11

Sam Scanlan 19.31

Andrew McPherson 19.48

Mardi Scanlan 20.34

Deb Connaughton 22.05

Everly Bredin 22.14

James Gold 22.15

Chloe Tangney 22.39

Karen Harding Smith 25.17

Connor Rowell 25.32

Mike Kennedy 39.14

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

11 January 2023


For health and safety reasons we moved to the new course on 27 April 2022.  Although there has been some disappointment about not having a 5-Kilometres course there has been general agreement with the new courses.  One of the results it has given the good runners an opportunity to excel and those with prams to participate safely.


The times over the three distances have been outstanding and it is a good opportunity to list the record holders and their times for others to measure themselves:



Women            2-kilometres    Lilly McIntosh 8.37

                        3-kilometres    Lilly McIntosh 13.36

                        4-kilometres    Tess Aungles 15.07

Men                 2-kilometres    Will Trevaskis 7.56

                        3-kilometres    Tino Lopresti 12.21

                        4-kilometres    John Maguire 12.22


It is timely to announce a new record holder in the men 3-kilometre with Jack Field, a visitor from Melbourne, who had his first run this evening, reducing the record by 48 seconds.  Well done, Jack!


In the 2-kilometres personal best times were recorded by Lewis Gunn, Andrew Greenway, and Ciara Ciahill.  In the 3-kilometres PBs were recorded by Tegan Carton, Chloe Tangney, and Peta Virgo.  In the 5-kilometres PBs were recorded by Geoff Hawke, Erin Drewson, Aislinn Scahill, Niamh Scahill, and John Scahill.  It was a great day for the Irish!!!!!


2 Kilometres


James Gunn 9.17

Lewis Gunn 9.26

Hudson Roisenbaun 10.24

Andrew Greenway 10.46

Benji Mackay 11.10

Ciara Scahill 11.33

Isabelle Chalker 11.54

Charlotte Cannon 12.00

Julianne Domeny 12.29

Tiarnie Haridemos 12.36

John Lightfoot 14.00

Erica Drewson 15.32

Sue Caldwell 15.33

Evelyne Carton 16.35

Lily Williams 17.24

Alfie Mackay 17.33

Neil Mackay 17.34

Otis Remling 17.37

Aaron Atteridge 17.38

Luen Williams 18.19

Erin Patrick 18.20

David McCann 18.30

Mackenzie Holland 22.37

Emma Holland 22.38

Lisa Robbins 23.24

Genevieve Holland 23.25


3 Kilometres


Jack Field 11.33

Ollie Cannon 14.08

Robert Edenborough 15.55

Tegan Carton 16.58

Chloe Tangney 16.59

Jenny Taylor 17.17

Tammy Oldridge 18.25

Harry Field 19.50

Peta Virgo 20.22

Jeff Cannon 36.54

Jaci Webb 36.54


4 Kilometres


Joe Edenborough 16.07

Matt Edenborough 16.08

Paige Connaughton 16.46

Tony Mahar 16.54

Geoff Hawke 17.06

Andrew McPherson 17.07

Isla Quick 17.59

Erin Drewson 18.00

Andrew Grant 18.07

Dave Connaughton 18.51

Jackie Snowball 19.27

Aislinn Scahill 20.45

Deb Connaughton 21.22

Niamh Scahill 21.33

John Scahill 21.37

Gen Cornes 21.39

Anthony Snowball 22.01

James Gold 22.32

Mark Nolan 22.58

Steve Phipps 23.48

Robyn Edenborough 24.07

Jonathon Bromley 24.28

Edward Bromley 24.29

Giselle Field 26.01

Isabelle Cannon 26.04

Richard Fisher 41.16

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

04 February 2023


The largest number of competitors for the new course started in this evening’s run.  There was ideal running weather and as a result there were 4 new course records and 14 personal best times.


Tess Aungles set a new course record in the 4 kilometres taking 4 seconds from Audrey Wards time.  Will Trevaskis reduced Samson Kennedy time in the 2 kilometres by 31 seconds.  Tino Lopresti reduced Samson Kennedy time in the 3 kilometres by 20 seconds and finally John Maguire reduced Thomas Menzies Stegbauer in the 4 kilometres by 11 seconds.


In the 2-kilometres personal best times were recorded by Will Travaskis, Samson Kennedy, Lewis Gunn, Emma Holland, Abbie Johnson, Emma Kennedy, and Genevieve Holland.  In the 4-kilometres personal best times were recorded by Tess Aungles, Vincent Aungles, Zara Menzies Stegbauer, Robyn Smith, Sanda Halpin, Steve Phipps, Aislinn Scahill and John Scahill.


Over all results are as follows:


2 Kilometres


Will Trevaskis 7.56

Samson Kennedy 8.04

Antony Kennedy 8.05

Will Simpson 8.39

Thurien Halpin 8.37

James Gunn 9.20

Lewis Gunn 9.38

Eddie Olah 10.12

Charlie Travaskis 10.41

Jake Travaskis 10.42

Vinnie Garcia 10.57

William Crooks 11.10

Andrew Greenway 11.19

Sara Norgate 11.23

Emma Holland 11.34

Chloe Tagney 12.07

Ciara Scahill 12.16

Rocco Lopresti 12.27

Laura Lopresti 12.40

Abbie Johnson 12.46

Isabelle O’Brien 13.08

Emma Kennedy 13.11

Will Johnson 13.29

Nick Johnson 13.42

Alyssa Birks 13.49

Sarah Crooks 13.51

Tommy Birks 13.52

Theo Birks 13.53

Katharina Birks 13.53

Hazel Garcia 14.41

Sophie Ellis 14.42

Nova Booth 14.52

Flynn Carter 14.53

Scott Carter 14.58

Lexie Carter 15.00

Otis Remling 15.10

Aaron Atteridge 15.11

Mylo Booth 15.52

John Lightfoot 16.03

David McCann 18.02

William Virgo 18.41

Natalie Greenway 18.59

Genevieve Holland 19.58

Lisa Robbins 19.59



3 Kilometres 


Tino Lopresti 12.21

Katie Quiggin 16.32

Tegan Carton 18.43

Evelyne Carton 20.12

Stewart Hick 20.36

Peta Virgo 20.38


4 Kilometres


John Maguire 12.22

Keiran Shepherd 12.34

Jacob Shepherd 12.42

Thomas Menzies Stegbauer 13.04

Daniel Be by 13.46

Matt Edenborough 14.31

Matt O’Brien 14.45

Carlos Garcia 14.56

Tess Aungles 15.07

Scott Melgaard 16.05

Vincent Aungles 16.09

Gen Trevaskis 16.17

Dominic Aungles 16.23

Paige Connaughton 16.25

Jane Aungles 17.06

Zara Menzies Stegbauer 17.10

Isla Quick 17.11

Steve Halpin 17.41

Geoff Hawke 17.47

Xavier O’Brien 18.11

Patrick Quiggin 18.29

Grace Johnson 18.32

Robyn Smith 18.38

Alice O’Brien 18.40

Sanda Halpin 18.49

Dave Connaughton 19.05

Peter Clarke 19.28

Deb Connaughton 21.06

Tom Simpson 21.09

Mary Ann Kulh 21.09

Jason Stegbauer 21.18

Vaughn Gilligan 21.19

Robert Dunne 21.33

Thomas Crooks 21.59

Aislinn Scahill 22.00

John Scahill 22.01

Karen Harding Smith 22.47

Gill Stapleton 22.47

Phil Aungles 22.59

Steve Phipps 23.14

Mick Simpson 23.34

Brock Gilligan 22.28

Penny Page 25.39

Belinda Brandon 26.12